Want Dr. Loren Olson to Speak at Your Next Event?
Does your group or organization need an informative and educational presentation about the challenges of coming out—especially later in life? As a psychiatrist who came out at the age of forty, Loren Olson has a unique perspective to share about human sexuality.
Praise for Loren A. Olson's Presentations
"Loren’s compassion shines through when he speaks, and audiences readily connect with him.”
— Julie Silver, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School
"Dr. Loren A. Olson’s presentation was thoughtful and thought provoking. He provided a great deal of information in a compelling and meaningful way. I highly recommend Dr. Olson to speak for your organization.”
— Nancy E. Myerson, LICSW, Brookline Community Mental Health Center
"Anyone interested in an honest and candid discussion about the societal forces that can limit our full potential should pull up a seat with Dr. Loren A. Olson. His powerful story about understanding himself in relationship to the world, and its messages, has value for any minority. I found myself thinking about parallels for women as he reflected on his `examined life.'"– Dr. Linda Love, University of Nebraska LGBT Mentoring Interest Group
"Loren is a warm and engaging speaker. He has an ability to reach his audience with his empathy and gentle sense of humor. You will be moved by listening to his story and the stories he evokes from others."
— Mary L. Thompson, RN, LISW, Service Line Director, Mercy Behavioral Health
"Loren Olson is one of the most authentic people that we have ever met. We, at Gay Life After 40, loved his presentation on Finally Out in Chicago."
– William Smith, founder and Publisher, Gay Life After 40
"Our students very much enjoyed Dr. Olson’s talk. He addressed crucial issues of belonging and being gay in a rural area that resonated with students regardless of their sexual orientation. Dr. Olson’s generosity in sharing his life stories allowed the audience to reflect and think deeply about important social and human issues facing our society today."
– Jeff S Shelton PhD, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Wayne State College
"We really enjoyed your being with us. I loved the way that you shared your story so openly and honestly—and also with such a wonderful sense of humour. So many of us will have shared your adolescent ignorance about the mechanics of sex and also can easily to relate to the awkwardness and embarrassment of the process of 'coming out.' I personally was greatly heartened by your encouragement to see retirement as an opportunity to shed some responsibility and to embrace only the things that give us pleasure."
– Neil Gray, President, Prime Timers Vancouver
"My husband and I attended your talk in Austin, TX. It seems so funny to know a lot of the struggles and experiences you went through were so incredibly common to us gay men of a certain age. If I can so wholly relate to so many of your experiences, there must be thousands more like me. If I'd only known at the time... because there were many dark, lonely times, even when surrounded by people back then."
– Event attendee
"The Atlanta Prime Timers greatly appreciated your being with us. Your story, so well captured in No More Neckties and Finally Out, touched our hearts as we recalled our unique journeys of being ourselves!"
– Bruce Parrish, Chapter Secretary and founding member
Yes, I would like more information about Dr. Olson speaking to our group or organization:
Finally Out
Do you picture human sexuality as a fixed spectrum: totally gay on one end, totally straight on the other, and bisexual in between? Discover that sexuality is a complex and ever-changing matrix and that coming out is not always a linear process; it can take a winding path that is even more complicated for men and women who have lived much of their lives as heterosexual. Learn how waiting to come out until later in life can magnify the shame and the fear of loss, as well as minimize the potential gains of living with a sense of authenticity.
Fitting in Is Not Belonging
Dr. Olson grew up in Wakefield, Nebraska, where everyone seemed to look alike, think alike, and believed alike. He was a good boy and tried to fit in, but he never felt he did. Fitting in is not the same as belonging. This feeling of not belonging continued until he was in his early forties. At that time, he threw of expectations, deconstructed the value system he’d inherited, and became the person he was always meant to be.
Men's Sexual Function across Their Life Span
Most men don't know much about sexual function, although people believe they inherently do. Learn why so many men—even very young men—are turning to Viagra or Cialis as their first option when they experience sexual dysfunction, although many problems related to ED are psychological in nature. Discover how men's bodies change as they age and how a greater understanding of the normal range of sexual functioning can preserve a satisfying sex life well into late life.
The Opportunities of Aging
The words opportunity and aging are rarely used in the same sentence—particularly in the youth-centric LGBTQ community. Find out how growing older actually frees us from the constant need to get ahead, striving to earn more money and acquire more things. Learn how an awareness that our days are limited gives us a sense of urgency to experience time rather than measure it. Discover how successful aging involves replacing the stuff in our lives with relationships: whom we eat dinner with becomes more important than what is on the menu.
Whose Life Are You Living?
All of us feel a need to find meaning in our lives, but a life of purpose cannot be assigned to us by others. Discover how to find a life of significance by freeing yourself from the bonds of the value system passed down to you—by your parents, your church, or society—and also free the people you love to find their own meaning. Also learn how relationships can grow or stagnate based on the maturity level of each partner.